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 How many times have you heard "Bowls is for oldies and retired people"?

​Since bowls has been televised, this common misconception is changing.

 It’s true that many senior citizen facilities within your community do play bowls as a main sport, simply because lawn bowling is one of those wonderful sports that can be enjoyed by anyone, no matter what their age.

It's great sport for the very young or the very old and one great way to enjoy it is to go to your local club and join in.


It’s a fun game, can be competitive, it isn't aggressive or too physical.

Every UK Bowls Clubs cater for all types of players and provide tutition. â€‹  Things are no different here at Southgate

We welcome:

                   Young or older novice(s) seeking membership and tutition
                   A social bowler(s) who only wish to participate in roll-ups and fun days    
                   Experienced bowler seeking competition
                   Visually or physically impaired bowlers
                   Children from the age of 10+
                   General Public i.e Families or Groups who want to try the game
Additionally, we fortunate to have several qualified coaches, within the Club. 

They have the ability to teach prospective members.

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